Going to space is the natural extension to experiments involving the distribution of quantum states of light. From a practical point of view, the range of quantum communication can be extended over larger distances. More fundamentally, entanglement can be tested not only on scales inaccessible on the ground, but also in conditions where the interplay between gravity and entanglement could potentially play a role.
On the other side, classical photonics technologies are always more relevant for space. They allow for high rates space communication and laser ranging is a standard technique to determine of satellites orbits and for planetary observation. Many of the technological advances developed for those classical methods could be apply for quantum experiments. Conversely, recent development of quantum technologies could improve classical methods. The goal of the conference is to bring together those various communities and to identify overlaps not only in the technology domain but also from a theoretical perspective. It will help in answering questions as how can quantum technologies can take advantage of classical photonics developments, but also how classical methods may be improved by quantum technologies.
Submission and Registration
The registration is open until September the 14th. There is no conference fees.
Contributions in form of one page PDF file can be submitted for both posters or talks until September the 14th. Information regarding acceptance of contributions will be circulated shortly afterwards. You must have or create an account on sciencesconf.org in order to submit.
If you have any questions or comments please send the organising team directly an email at: qtspacebern@sciencesconf.org
For COST-specific questions, please email the administrator of QTSpace at: Gary Hall, g.hall@qub.ac.uk
Organisation and Funding
This conference is being organised by the the COST Action “QTSpace: Quantum Technologies in Space” (CA15220). The lead organiser on behalf of the network is André Stefanov of the University of Bern.